jeudi 14 avril 2011

About my work...

Painting enables me to explore my inner world together with the sum of my life experiences as a woman, a mother, a citizen of the world and someone curious of whatsoever i still ignore.

In this sense, my works reflect my total being, at such or such instant. They represent the most naked expression of what and who i have been or is.

I have managed to break free from references i was taught during my training as an artist (in France, during the '90's), so as to able to assert a free and personal art. Away from any theory, i should say that my work is only wishing to exist, to be, to be shared.

My painting expresses the various contradictions that are mine and might be ours, contradictions that are inside of us or around us : joy and anxiety, mystery and light, silence and voices, day and night.

My whole work consists in letting thes oppositions play. I am constantly tring to combine and at the same time get over them.

Forms and colours are the instruments of this game.

I do not always lead the game, most of the time it leads me. Emotion, movement and exploration run together.

I consider the artist a traveller of the soul and basically a transmitter.

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